Sunday, March 9, 2008

GameShip Wrecks in 1941

1. You are the captain of a submarine. It is your task to search the dark depths and find the ancient ships that lie at the bottom. You are doing this for money, glory, and the thrill of uncovering lost artifacts. You will have to avoid obstacles such as rocks, whales, other sea-life, the competition (others in submarines, but for some reason they thought in necessary to have torpedoes, and they don't like you...) Every ship you uncover will earn you fame and money, slightly dependant on how important the ship was.

2. A terrible war has started. You are a member of the Royal Navy and your commander has given you the objective to fly out and sink as many ships in the Kriegsmarine as possible before your inevitable shooting-down. (You fly a plane.) Obey your orders and help insure victory for England. But also try to avoid the last bit of your commander's assignment. You aren't up for a suicide mission just yet.. Drop bombs, avoid missiles, and end the day of the aircraft carrier partying it up with the other surviving members of your unit.

3. You are the captain of the Bismarck. Upon hearing word of Churchill's order to sink the Bismarck, you have decided not to let that happen. Command your way through the Atlantic Ocean back to Germany. Defend against the attacks of the Royal Navy and their allies, and then lead an offensive. In this what-if game, the player would try to experience what might have happened if events did not unfold the way they did.

4. In a game, similar to Battleship, players would chose locations to bomb and try to sink the other player's ship. The game would have many more ships than the current Battleship, and there would be several sides. It would be an online game, with up to 4 players in a single match trying to defeat their enemies. You could choose to ally with another side to help bring the other's to an end sooner. The game could also be played 1v1. Instead of a number+ letter system, players would have to use the global coordinates. The game would probably take several hours to play and would not exactly be for children. There would be a voice-communication program to talk with the others playing, and a chat box on the screen so you could have secret talks with another player. You would be placing specific ships at locations, not just "destroyer" or the other types. There would be a time-limit on how long you can spend to choose a location to bomb.

5. You have been commissioned to produce a documentary about war-ships lost during 1941. You will have to hire people to take you in a submarine under water to discover the wreckage and film it. Going through records and finding survivors will also be a task you must perform. Locate where they are now and try to interview them. They are getting rather old and have some bad memories of the time, so convincing them to speak with you will be quite difficult. They also want you to discover the plans for the ships and reconstruct one or two of them, You will have to raise funds, find the lost plans, hire capable workers to complete this task in a timely manner.
But it turns out it wasn't the BBC who hired you.. it was a secret organization who seeks to restart the war and they have named you commander of the fleet you created. If you do not do as they say now, they will kill you. Find a way out of this difficult and very strange situation...

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