To go along with the paper, or just in general, I present to you, copied straight out of notepad, these notes, fascinating they may be. No, that probably didn't make sense.
get to act like pirate
people like telling stories, fantasty
to make money / advertise
comic style - .things...
people have A LOT of free time
---------------- first blog
people have too much time and money.
and fascination with alternate reality stuff (steampunk)
comparison of real world to second life things
documenting, showing off
pretending (the verb)
event notifications
if the 1800s had digital cameras, blogs, twitter, facebook and flickr
----------second blog
holdiday wishes
tie in with other blog (2)
they gave people leave.. how very.. pretensious.. why would you choose to be a servant in a
fictional world???
really too far with the role playing. i mean, jesus christ.
very rich and elegant life styles. shame its all pixels.
advertising for her shop, freebies/gifts, long spans between posts (blamed on typist or
appologized for)
----third blog
yes! lolcats! the internet is here!
role playing from the perspective of a
also selling/sold land.
mentions of advertisements
show some photos
cat is evil. doomrays.
very short entries. cats must not have too much attention span and/or are bad at typing
architecture, scenerey
game content, abilities,
showing off you character. clothes, hair, poses
with friends
buildings, islands
sculpting abilites,
photoshop abilites
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