Sunday, April 12, 2009

Things that went well in the Zone.

The Sound- each weapon makes a unique noise, some of the are quite memorable, particularly the shotgun. The explosions and gun shots heard in the background give the game the feel that you’re in a battle zone.

The Simplicity- there are no complex puzzles or overly annoying challenges, which is great for a fps – it’s a no strings attached, get what you expect shoot ‘em up.

The Game-play and mechanics- several short/mid-length missions, can change the difficultly level and it has a clear affect. The pros and cons to each playable character adds a deeper level to the game – your choice can make a difference. You can only carry three weapons at a time and only so much ammo for each, which is much more realistic than games where you can haul around 12 massive guns with incredible amounts of ammo for each.

The look and feel- there are several maps, many of which look different / have different themes – snowy-cold places, jungles, sandy-hot places, urban areas (streets and buildings), a space station. The dirt and dusk clouds add a lot to the atmosphere, give it the feel of being in a war zone.

1 comment:

Kim Gregson said...

good details - interesting bit about not getting to carry but a limited number of guns. Why do you need more than one? For different kinds of targets?
