Mein notes regarding event observations.
Real life:
There is one person who sort of takes the lead. Most questions go to him and he decides what it is that people should work on.
The group of people is spread out somewhat evenly throughout the room.
One person stands at the front of the room using the Professor-computer with projector.
2-3 sit on the left side of the room in a small clump.
One sits at the back of the room, usually facing away from everyone. In fact, the different sections generally don't look at each other due to room layout.
1-2 people sit in the middle seats of the room, facing each other. They are towards the back and swaying towards the right side of the room.
3 people sit on the right side of the room, facing the wall partly, using the computers as well.
The group has different departments, and as with most oragnizations, there is a lot of required communication between every department. The "leader" (president) acts as an immeidatry(sp) but people have no problem asking others their questions.
The whole thing is very, very relaxed. There is not too much stress felt by anyone (except the programmer - everything lies on him in the end)
Someone orders up 2 pizzas and we try to see that everyone who wants a slice gets one. The event lasts for about 1 and a half hour. Some people go, some come.
We watch a video or 2 on youtube for the lulz and try to get back to work.
(Oh Star Wars, you are like catnip to geeks).
There's a LOT of laughter, some high-fives, jokes, and anti-seriousness.
Second Life:
What is this? Random music now?
Its schizophrenic too.
I go to an industrial night club. ===Industrial Dreamz===
My kind of place. Although, not entirely.
Theres 4 others here. 2 at least are furries.
3 dance, one is really really small, cant tell.
Wait. is that even a person. I dont know anymore.
It seems like they are having a tv trivia contest.
There is a host and a DJ (not the same)
Another person shows up. Doesn't right off begin dancing.
its 80's tv trivia.
New guy has huge freakin boots. Dances slow-like
It's overall pretty relaxed. The people seem to know each other, but one guy hasn't talked since i've been here. Just keeps on dancing. The little thing im 99% sure is an npc.
Still doing the 80's tv trivia.
One guy was born in 1979.
I make sure not to use the snapshot feature, as this makes a noise as well as animates the character. I want to be stealthy. Like a ninja.
I stay towards the back of the room, as is my way, and move the camera around a lot, zooming in on people, places, and things.
[20:35] Tashy Aeon: hey ryann :) ----------(not sure if that was supposed to be Rynn)---
[20:35] Tashy Aeon: Which one of the A Team was a Pilot?
[20:35] Lockless Dragoone: 80's for the win
[20:35] Lockless Dragoone: Mudock
[20:35] Tashy Aeon: full name
[20:36] Lockless Dragoone: Murdock
[20:36] Tashy Aeon: hey mikey ^_^
[20:36] Tashy Aeon: What's the connection between Benson & Growing Pains?
[20:36] Lockless Dragoone: he played one of the kids friends :P
[20:36] Tashy Aeon: nope!
[20:37] Tashy Aeon: \o/ one u didn't get
[20:37] Tashy Aeon giggles!
[20:37] Tashy Aeon: anyone else?
[20:37] Tashy Aeon: nope
[20:37] Tashy Aeon: answer....
[20:37] Tashy Aeon: 32
[20:37] Tashy Aeon: 2
[20:37] Tashy Aeon: 1
[20:37] Tashy Aeon: What's the connection between Benson & Growing Pains?
[20:37] Lockless Dragoone: i suck at tv trivia
[20:37] Lockless Dragoone: i never watch tv
[20:38] Tashy Aeon: ok now time for the answer...
[20:38] Tashy Aeon: Missy Gold was the daughter in Benson and her sister was Tracey Gold, Carol in Growing Pains
[20:38] Lockless Dragoone: I know feel almost as nerdy as Tashy is for knowing the answer to that now :P
[20:38] Tashy Aeon: Whut!? Ó_Ò
[20:38] Tashy Aeon: i'm not a nerd >.<
[20:39] Lockless Dragoone: lol
[20:39] Edd LittleBoots shouts: come on in rynn
[20:39] Lockless Dragoone: whatever you say dear
[20:39] Tashy Aeon yanks on lock's tail
[20:39] Lockless Dragoone: next question
[20:39] Tashy Aeon: no
[20:39] Tashy Aeon: What was the name of the dog in Fraggle Rock?
[20:40] Lockless Dragoone: damnit
[20:40] Lockless Dragoone: i know this
[20:40] Lockless Dragoone: i use to watch it all the time
[20:40] Tashy Aeon: nuuuu
[20:40] Tashy Aeon: nuuuu
[20:40] Tashy Aeon: nuuuu
[20:40] Lockless Dragoone: SPROKET
[20:40] Tashy Aeon: yesah!
[20:40] Tashy Aeon: lock
[20:40] Lockless Dragoone: Sproket
[20:41] Lockless Dragoone: like spacely sprokets from the jetsons
[20:41] Lockless Dragoone: I'm to damn old
[20:41] Tashy Aeon: On Three's Company, what's the first name of Mr. Furley's (landlord) tight wad brother who owned the building?
[20:41] Lockless Dragoone: WTF
[20:41] Lockless Dragoone: that might have been said like.. 1 time
[20:41] Tashy Aeon: >:)
[20:42] Tashy Aeon: nope
[20:42] Tashy Aeon: nope
[20:42] Tashy Aeon: nope
[20:42] Lockless Dragoone: i have no idea
[20:42] Lockless Dragoone: best i could do is guess
[20:42] Tashy Aeon: bard
[20:42] Tashy Aeon: bart*
[20:42] Tashy Aeon: On Three's Company, what city did the trio live in?
[20:42] Tashy Aeon giggles!
[20:42] Tashy Aeon is evil
[20:43] Tashy Aeon: nope
[20:43] Lockless Dragoone: santa monica
[20:43] Tashy Aeon: yesah!
[20:43] Tashy Aeon: lock
[20:43] Lockless Dragoone: remember.. the intro
[20:43] Lockless Dragoone: they were on the trolly and stuff
[20:43] Tashy Aeon: On Three's Company, what is the name "Chrissy" is short for?
[20:43] Lockless Dragoone: Chrstiana
[20:43] Tashy Aeon: nope
[20:43] Lockless Dragoone: Christina
[20:43] Tashy Aeon: nope
[20:43] Lockless Dragoone: i dunno lol
[20:43] Tashy Aeon: lil'b?
[20:43] Tashy Aeon: nope
[20:44] Tashy Aeon: no cheating
[20:44] Tashy Aeon: nope
[20:44] Tashy Aeon: christmas
[20:44] Tashy Aeon: \o/
[20:44] Lockless Dragoone: bah
[20:44] Lockless Dragoone: i actually know a girl in real life named christmas
[20:44] Tashy Aeon: What current cast member of ER was on an 80's show of the same name?
[20:45] Tashy Aeon: nope
[20:45] Lockless Dragoone: what the hell is his name
[20:45] Lockless Dragoone: guy who played in O' brother where art thou
[20:45] Tashy Aeon: nope
[20:46] Tashy Aeon: yesah!
[20:46] Tashy Aeon: edd
[20:46] Tashy Aeon: \o/
[20:46] Lockless Dragoone: yeah.. that's the guy
[20:46] Lockless Dragoone: in o' brother where art thou lol
[20:46] Tashy Aeon: What was Roscoe's dogs name on the Dukes of Hazzard?
[20:46] Lockless Dragoone: oh damnit
[20:46] Tashy Aeon: >:)
[20:46] Lockless Dragoone: it's right on the tip of my tongue
[20:46] Lockless Dragoone: it's and old hound dog
[20:46] Lockless Dragoone: thinking
[20:47] Tashy Aeon: Whut!? Ó_Ò
[20:47] Tashy Aeon throws skittles at edd
[20:47] Tashy Aeon: \o/ ami .<3
[20:47] Lockless Dragoone: it starts with an F, but it's not like Fido
[20:47] Tashy Aeon: and no edd
[20:47] Amish Mighty: oHai
[20:47] Tashy Aeon: Hi! ^-^
[20:47] Tashy Aeon: no
[20:47] Tashy Aeon: no
[20:47] Tashy Aeon: no
[20:47] Tashy Aeon: FLASH
[20:48] Tashy Aeon: \o/
[20:48] Lockless Dragoone: damnit
[20:48] Tashy Aeon: ami
[20:48] Tashy Aeon: lock said i'm a nerd >_<
[20:48] Lockless Dragoone: i hate 80's tv trivia lol
[20:48] Tashy Aeon: What was the name of the school mistress in The facts of Life?
[20:48] Lockless Dragoone: Mrs. Garrett
[20:49] Tashy Aeon: yes...lock
[20:49] Tashy Aeon: but
[20:49] Tashy Aeon: what's her first name?
[20:49] Tashy Aeon: >:)
[20:49] Lockless Dragoone: fuck if i know lol
[20:49] Tashy Aeon: EDNA!
[20:49] Lockless Dragoone: they always called her Mrs. Garrett
[20:49] Lockless Dragoone: lol
[20:49] Amish Mighty: you area a nerd o.o
[20:49] Tashy Aeon: What were the names of the four main characters of the Facts of Life?
[20:49] Tashy Aeon: i am not >_<
[20:49] Amish Mighty: pfft
[20:49] Tashy Aeon beats up ami and steals his hat
[20:49] Tashy Aeon: MINE O.O
[20:50] Amish Mighty: NOOOO!!!!!!
[20:50] Tashy Aeon: yesah!
[20:50] Amish Mighty: Rawr..
[20:50] Amish Mighty: Look at that one...
[20:50] Amish Mighty: Look at that Douche
[20:50] Amish Mighty: Look at that douchebag
[20:50] Amish Mighty: Look at that douchebag
[20:50] Amish Mighty: Whats With that Douche Bag?
[20:50] Amish Mighty: Look at that Douche Bag...
[20:50] Amish Mighty: That Douche Bag.....
[20:50] Tashy Aeon: FUCK!!
[20:50] Tashy Aeon: FUCK!!
[20:50] Amish Mighty: dooshbag.. DOUCHBEG.. DISHBAG..DUCHHSSHBAHG..
[20:50] Tashy Aeon: FUCK!!
[20:50] Tashy Aeon giggles!
[20:50] Tashy Aeon: <3
[20:50] Amish Mighty: <.<
[20:50] Lockless Dragoone: Trudy, is the only one i can remember
[20:50] Amish Mighty: <3
[20:50] Lockless Dragoone: and Jo
[20:51] Tashy Aeon: whelp trudy is wrong
[20:51] Tashy Aeon: jo is one
[20:51] Tashy Aeon: Jo Polniaczek, Blair Warner, Natalie Green, Dorothy "Tootie" Ramsey
[20:51] Tashy Aeon: :P
[20:51] Lockless Dragoone: tootie
[20:51] Lockless Dragoone: lol
[20:51] Lockless Dragoone: FFS
[20:52] Tashy Aeon: The Jeffersons was a spinoff from what show?
[20:52] Tashy Aeon pokes at ami
[20:52] Tashy Aeon: WAKE UP!
[20:52] Amish Mighty: o.o
[20:52] Tashy Aeon: nope
[20:52] Amish Mighty: lol
[20:52] Tashy Aeon: that was part of the song for the jeffersons, edd ;p
[20:52] Tashy Aeon: and no
[20:53] Lockless Dragoone: All in the family :P
[20:53] Tashy Aeon: yesah!
[20:53] Tashy Aeon: lock
[20:53] Tashy Aeon: u damn cheater >_<
[20:53] Lockless Dragoone: i was born in 79 lol
[20:53] Lockless Dragoone: i remember both shows :P
[20:53] Tashy Aeon: What actor was famous for the line "nanoo nanoo"?
[20:53] Lockless Dragoone: Robin Wlliams
[20:53] Tashy Aeon: >.<
[20:53] Tashy Aeon: yesah!
[20:54] Tashy Aeon: What was the name of Facts of Life's Mrs. Garret's gourmet food shop?
[20:54] Lockless Dragoone: i dunno lol
[20:54] Tashy Aeon giggles!
[20:54] Amish Mighty: Edna's Edibles
[20:54] Amish Mighty: o.o
[20:54] Tashy Aeon: \o/ ami!!
[20:54] Lockless Dragoone: Nell Carters Fat Food Emporium
[20:54] Tashy Aeon: nope
[20:54] Tashy Aeon: ami got it
[20:55] Amish Mighty: \o/
[20:55] Tashy Aeon shouts: hey charlie!
[20:55] Tashy Aeon shouts: hey rocky!
[20:55] Tashy Aeon: What Facts of Life character was in The Godfather?
[20:55] Amish Mighty: o.o
[20:56] Amish Mighty: jos dad o.o
[20:56] Tashy Aeon: \o/
[20:56] Tashy Aeon: yesah!
[20:56] Tashy Aeon: What is the name of the Dukes of Hazzards car?
[20:56] Tashy Aeon: close edd
[20:57] Tashy Aeon: general lee
[20:57] Tashy Aeon: brb gotta do that hosty thing
[20:59] Tashy Aeon: heya khan!
[20:59] Kharn Foxclaw: Hello!
[20:59] Jariah Yuhara: lulz.. hey, Khan! feeling wrathful? ;p
[21:00] Tashy Aeon: heya jariah!
[21:00] Jariah Yuhara: heya, Edd
[21:00] Tashy Aeon: wb ami
[21:00] Jariah Yuhara: hello, Tashy
[21:00] Kharn Foxclaw: hehe getting my Rezz On
[21:00] Tashy Aeon: wb rynn
[21:00] Jariah Yuhara: what's up, Lock? You remember Kharn..
[21:00] Rynn Tiratzo: hi
[21:00] mm1011 Solo: hi
[21:00] Tashy Aeon: hey mm
[21:00] mm1011 Solo: how's everyone?
[21:00] Tashy Aeon: good about u mm?
[21:01] Edd LittleBoots: \o/ mm
[21:01] Edd LittleBoots: \o/ rynn
[21:01] mm1011 Solo: im good
[21:01] Rynn Tiratzo: good good, you
[21:01] Jariah Yuhara: nice moves, Lock ;)
[21:01] Lockless Dragoone: i know :)
[21:01] Lockless Dragoone: Tashy looks better doing them though
[21:01] Edd LittleBoots: Ⓖェg G ⓛεs :)~~~~
[21:01] Tashy Aeon: Whut!? Ó_Ò
[21:01] Edd LittleBoots: she does too
[21:01] Lockless Dragoone: the dance moves
[21:01] Tashy Aeon giggles!
[21:02] ID - : Now playing: Prodigy, The - Hotride
[21:02] A:S:S - Twinge Fuzzball shoulder pet: That Felt Good! Touch Me Again!! I Love you MR!
[21:02] Edd LittleBoots: ॐ AWESOMEEEEEEE TUNEZZZZ!!! ॐ
[21:02] Edd LittleBoots: ☮OOO MA GAWD☮
[21:03] Edd LittleBoots: amish where did u get ur boots
[21:03] Amish Mighty: s.i.c.
[21:03] Edd LittleBoots: they is coolness
[21:03] Amish Mighty: >.>
[21:03] Amish Mighty: Thanks
[21:03] Lockless Dragoone: Don't forget TASHY, my ubertastic host when your showing some love with that Linden!
[21:03] Amish Mighty: they got a really nice jump enhancer in them
[21:04] Edd LittleBoots: i soo need those
[21:05] ID Sploder: Show me your Linden love ...
[21:05] Amish Mighty: you can get em in a slo machine they have there
[21:05] Edd LittleBoots picks a carrott from his pocket and nahms it
[21:05] Amish Mighty: for 20L
[21:05] Edd LittleBoots: thats cool
[21:06] Tashy Aeon: brb phone
[21:06] Edd LittleBoots: hb
[21:06] Edd LittleBoots: so how is everybody
[21:06] mm1011 Solo: good and u?
[21:07] ID - : Now playing: Lights Of Euphoria - Consequence (Face Yourself)
[21:07] S.I.C_ArmorBoots_Up_Right_White: Unable to find specified agent to request permissions.
[21:08] Edd LittleBoots: im just dandy
[21:08] Lockless Dragoone: w00t.. thanks for the tip Jariah :)
[21:08] Lockless Dragoone: it'll prolly just go back to your shop :P
[21:08] Jariah Yuhara: yw, love
[21:09] Jariah Yuhara: lulz
[21:09] Jariah Yuhara: you know that I am glad to help you out
[21:09] You have been added to the group.
[21:09] Lockless Dragoone: thanks Kharn :) mucho appreciated :)
[21:09] Edd LittleBoots: \o/ sabian
[21:09] Edd LittleBoots: \o/ poison
[21:10] Edd LittleBoots: \o/ saint
[21:10] Poison Silberman: XD
[21:10] Saint Steampunk: O_o
[21:10] Tashy Aeon: thank ya kharn ^_^
[21:10] Tashy Aeon: thank ya lots Jariah ^_^
[21:10] Tashy Aeon is still on the phohne
[21:10] Tashy Aeon: phone*
[21:10] Edd LittleBoots: awwwws tyt
[21:10] Jariah Yuhara: yw, Tashy
[21:11] Edd LittleBoots: March 6th: 4-6pm
Dark Wonderland (sponsored by DBH Designs): A twisted take on the classic "Alice in Wonderland" with DJ Porshe
Dress up as Wonderland characters for a chance to win L$500 and a DBH Designs skins.
[21:11] Edd LittleBoots: omgosh thats soo classic
[21:11] ID - : Now playing: Hardcorps - Prophet Omar Santana Power Pill
[21:12] Edd LittleBoots: b/c the new alice in wonder land movie comes out march 5
[21:12] mm1011 Solo: i wna c that
[21:12] Edd LittleBoots: me too
[21:12] mm1011 Solo: i luv johnny depp
[21:12] Edd LittleBoots: like id sneak in
[21:12] Edd LittleBoots: to c it
[21:12] mm1011 Solo: lol
[21:12] Lockless Dragoone: I'm going to see it
[21:13] Lockless Dragoone: i hope it comes to imax
[21:13] Lockless Dragoone: i'll go see it in IMAX
[21:13] Edd LittleBoots: Ⓖェg G ⓛεs :)~~~~
[21:13] Edd LittleBoots: im going to warenberg
[21:13] Amish Mighty: : . .ı.lııllılı.ılı.N ㋡ ㋡ B.ı.lııllılı.ılı. .
[21:14] Edd LittleBoots: Awww look at that little newbie!!! Your So Cute!! Yes You Are! Your So Cuteeee...
[21:17] Amish Mighty: tashy o.o
[21:17] Amish Mighty: Please...
[21:17] Amish Mighty: drink....
[21:17] Tashy Aeon: back
[21:17] Amish Mighty: muh...
[21:17] Amish Mighty: HOT
[21:17] Tashy Aeon: Whut!? Ó_Ò
[21:17] Amish Mighty: Kool Aid.... 3:
[21:17] Tashy Aeon giggles!
[21:17] Edd LittleBoots: \o/ wb tashy
[21:17] Tashy Aeon: ewwww
[21:17] Tashy Aeon: hot kool aid
[21:17] Tashy Aeon: xP
[21:17] Amish Mighty: I made this for you... T_T
[21:17] Tashy Aeon: ohhh fine
[21:18] Tashy Aeon drinks the hot kool aid
[21:18] ID - : Now playing: Hardcore - Various Artists - Audien Naggy - Lopiszsk
[21:18] Edd LittleBoots: Ⓖェg G ⓛεs :)~~~~
[21:18] Amish Mighty: I Love You! @_@
[21:18] Tashy Aeon: :o
[21:18] Tashy Aeon: ♀ Kinky ♁
[21:18] Tashy Aeon: but
[21:18] Edd LittleBoots: ॐ AWESOMEEEEEEE TUNEZZZZ!!! ॐ
[21:18] Tashy Aeon: but
[21:18] Tashy Aeon: but
[21:18] Tashy Aeon: ur a robot :o
[21:18] Lockless Dragoone: grape koolaid
[21:18] Tashy Aeon: ewwww
[21:18] Tashy Aeon: grape are the rail
[21:18] Amish Mighty: ¨*•.¸(¨*•.¸´•.¸A.W.E.S.〄.M.E¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
[21:18] Amish Mighty: ★(`'·.¸(`'·.¸S.P..A.M ¸.·'´)¸.·'´)★
[21:18] Tashy Aeon: fail*
[21:18] Tashy Aeon: and so was that
[21:18] Tashy Aeon: ✖ FAILED ! ✖
[21:18] Amish Mighty: im not a robot o.o
[21:18] Tashy Aeon: Whut!? Ó_Ò
[21:19] Tashy Aeon: yesah!
[21:19] Tashy Aeon: u is
[21:19] Amish Mighty: im in a robotic suit
[21:19] Tashy Aeon: Aah!
[21:19] Tashy Aeon: technicalities
[21:19] Edd LittleBoots: Ⓖェg G ⓛεs :)~~~~
[21:19] Jariah Yuhara: ty, we were trying to figure out wth it was
[21:19] Tashy Aeon giggles!
[21:19] Lockless Dragoone: *unplugs Amish from the wall*
[21:19] Tashy Aeon plugs lock into the wall
[21:19] Amish Mighty: yous can be muh munkeee wrench o.o
[21:19] Edd LittleBoots: Ⓖェg G ⓛεs :)~~~~
[21:19] Lockless Dragoone: *licks Tashy in the eye*
[21:19] Tashy Aeon giggles!
[21:19] Tashy Aeon: Aah!
[21:19] Tashy Aeon: WHAT DA EFF?!
[21:20] Tashy Aeon is now blind
[21:20] Amish Mighty is well lubed
[21:20] Edd LittleBoots kicks the stream
[21:20] Tashy Aeon: HAHAHAHAHAHA !
[21:20] Edd LittleBoots: work
[21:20] Edd LittleBoots: D@MN!T
[21:20] Lockless Dragoone: yah
[21:20] Tashy Aeon quotes ami xD
[21:20] Lockless Dragoone: my SAMS closed on me lol
[21:21] Edd LittleBoots: its ok
[21:21] Amish Mighty: :o
[21:21] Lockless Dragoone: not stopped.. just.. closed
[21:21] ID - : Now playing: Hardcore - Various Artists - Angel Eyes - Stay With Me (Orbit1 Remix)
[21:21] Industrial Dreamz CLUB Tip Jar's Tip Jar: Sorry Rynn Tiratzo, only registered users may use this tip jar, please contact ManagerBob Button
[21:21] Edd LittleBoots: ׺°”˜`”°º ✖ Oh Snap!! ✖ º°”˜`”°º×
[21:21] S.I.C_MC775_ForArm_Right: Unable to find specified agent to request permissions.
[21:21] S.I.C_MC775_ForArm_Left: Unable to find specified agent to request permissions.
[21:21] Tashy Aeon: Whut!? Ó_Ò
[21:21] Lockless Dragoone: it's back up now
[21:21] Tashy Aeon: YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!
[21:21] Edd LittleBoots: restart players if needed
[21:21] Industrial Dreamz CLUB Tip Jar's Tip Jar: Thank you for your kind donation Rynn Tiratzo, we appreciate your support!
[21:21] Lockless Dragoone: i minimized one screen and SAMS went poof lol
[21:21] Edd LittleBoots: Aah!
[21:22] Tashy Aeon resets ami's play button
[21:22] Tashy Aeon: :P
[21:22] Edd LittleBoots: i hate it when that happens
[21:22] Amish Mighty: :o
[21:22] Lockless Dragoone: at least the songs save in your que lol
[21:22] Edd LittleBoots: Ⓖェg G ⓛεs :)~~~~
[21:22] Amish Mighty: you hate it when tashy restarts your button o.o
[21:22] Edd LittleBoots: no
[21:22] Tashy Aeon: Whut!? Ó_Ò
[21:22] Edd LittleBoots: when whindows close
[21:22] Tashy Aeon: sooo u like?
[21:22] Tashy Aeon is confused
[21:22] Lockless Dragoone: Tashy is always pushing my buttons and pulling on my levers...
[21:22] Edd LittleBoots: Ⓖェg G ⓛεs :)~~~~
[21:23] Tashy Aeon: WHAT DA EFF?!
[21:23] Amish Mighty: 0-o
[21:23] Tashy Aeon hides behind ami
[21:23] Edd LittleBoots: Ⓖェg G ⓛεs :)~~~~
[21:23] Amish Mighty: i like tashys tuna soup o.o
[21:23] Tashy Aeon: :o
[21:23] Tashy Aeon: ♀ Kinky ♁
[21:24] Tashy Aeon: cheesy creamy tuna soup?
[21:24] Tashy Aeon: o.o
[21:24] Amish Mighty MOANS 8D
[21:24] Tashy Aeon: *moans*
[21:24] Tashy Aeon: xD
[21:24] Lockless Dragoone: i heard it comes with a side of yeast rolls
[21:24] Amish Mighty: yush
[21:24] Amish Mighty: :Q___
[21:24] Tashy Aeon: <3
[21:24] Amish Mighty: 0-o
[21:24] Tashy Aeon: WHAT DA EFF?!
[21:24] Tashy Aeon: lock?
[21:24] Lockless Dragoone: i dunno lol
[21:24] Amish Mighty: D= NUUUUHHH!
[21:24] Lockless Dragoone: i'm tired and i've got heart burn from hell
[21:24] Amish Mighty: cant make bread with tashys tune soup
[21:24] ID - : Now playing: God Module - Orange And Black
[21:25] Tashy Aeon: i made him cheesy creamy tuna soup >..>
[21:25] Edd LittleBoots: Ⓖェg G ⓛεs :)~~~~
[21:25] Edd LittleBoots **!!Fall Over From Laughing Too Much !!**
[21:25] Jariah Yuhara: ew
[21:25] Tashy Aeon: yeahh what ami said <.<
[21:25] Tashy Aeon giggles!
[21:25] Tashy Aeon: xD
[21:25] Amish Mighty: it was tastey o.o
[21:25] ID Sploder: Join the fun and win Lindens ...
[21:25] Amish Mighty: it keeps you regular
[21:25] Tashy Aeon: yesah!
[21:25] Tashy Aeon: xD
[21:25] Tashy Aeon: ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
[21:25] Tashy Aeon: potty boy
[21:25] Tashy Aeon: gah
[21:25] Amish Mighty: xD
[21:25] ID Sploder: Tashy Aeon has joined the sploder. Pot is now L$20
[21:26] Tashy Aeon: It´s Splodertime!!!!!!
[21:27] ID Sploder: Lockless Dragoone has joined the sploder. Pot is now L$40
[21:27] Tashy Aeon: show lots of lovin to our awesome DJ LOCKLESS! ^_^
[21:27] ID Sploder: Jariah Yuhara has joined the sploder. Pot is now L$50
[21:27] Tashy Aeon: 1 more needed for splodddddddddy
[21:28] Tashy Aeon stuffs ami in the spoloder :o
[21:28] Amish Mighty: Pfffftt Oh ah oh la la la la la la @_____@
[21:28] Tashy Aeon: ♀ Kinky ♁
[21:28] Amish Mighty: :o
[21:28] Tashy Aeon: u like it in there <.<
[21:28] Edd LittleBoots: Ⓖェg G ⓛεs :)~~~~
[21:28] ID - : Now playing: Funker Vogt - Hostile Waters
[21:29] Tashy Aeon: \o/
[21:29] Tashy Aeon: tune
[21:30] Tashy Aeon: show lots of lovin to our awesome DJ LOCKLESS! ^_^
[21:31] Tashy Aeon: >:O
[21:31] Tashy Aeon: brb again
[21:31] Edd LittleBoots: hb
[21:32] Amish Mighty: hbax squishy
[21:32] Tashy Aeon swats ami
[21:33] Amish Mighty: :O
[21:33] Tashy Aeon: Whut!? Ó_Ò
[21:34] Tashy Aeon: Lets do the fork in the garbage disposal!
[21:34] Amish Mighty: Help!!! Racoons took my PENIS!!! O~O
[21:34] Edd LittleBoots: o.O
[21:34] Amish Mighty: Say Eht!!!!!
[21:34] Tashy Aeon: BUNNEH!! :D
[21:34] Edd LittleBoots: (\_/) World Domination Bunny!!
[21:34] Edd LittleBoots: (o.O) Copy and Paste him into your Profile
[21:34] Edd LittleBoots: ( > < ) Help Him Take Over SL!!!
[21:34] Tashy Aeon: (\_/) World Domination Bunny!!
[21:34] Tashy Aeon: (o.O) Copy and Paste him into your Profile
[21:34] Tashy Aeon: ( > < ) Help Him Take Over SL!!!
[21:34] Edd LittleBoots: , ♥´¨)LOOK AT ME
[21:34] Edd LittleBoots: ♡¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*¨)
[21:34] Edd LittleBoots: (¸.·´ (¸.·`♥*♡*♕*I`M A BUNNEH.......*♕* ...¸.·*¨)
[21:35] ID - : Now playing: Front Line Assembly - Social Enemy
[21:35] Tashy Aeon: Holy crap here comes jesus.. and he doesn't look too happy!
[21:35] Edd LittleBoots: awwwws mayb he needs a hug
[21:35] ID Sploder: Enter the game and win! ...
[21:35] Tashy Aeon facepalms...
[21:35] Tashy Aeon: Superstar!!
[21:35] Tashy Aeon: * bing *
[21:35] Tashy Aeon: * bing *
[21:35] Tashy Aeon: * bing *
[21:36] Tashy Aeon plays with gestures
[21:36] Tashy Aeon: * bing *
[21:36] Edd LittleBoots: i has to run
[21:36] Tashy Aeon: awwww
[21:36] Jariah Yuhara: night, Edd
[21:36] Tashy Aeon: take care lil'b
[21:36] Amish Mighty: Stops Copies Me >:/
[21:36] Tashy Aeon: <3
[21:36] Edd LittleBoots: awsome set lock and tashy
[21:36] Tashy Aeon: DANKÖÖÖÖÖÖ ^.^
[21:36] Tashy Aeon: ^_^
[21:36] Edd LittleBoots gives huggles and waves wildly
[21:37] Amish Mighty: night Eddster
[21:37] Lockless Dragoone: :)
[21:37] Tashy Aeon: O
[21:37] Tashy Aeon: M
[21:37] Tashy Aeon: G
[21:37] Tashy Aeon: he's awake
[21:37] Lockless Dragoone: barely lol
[21:37] Lockless Dragoone: i dunno what gives tonight
[21:37] Lockless Dragoone: I'm just tired
[21:37] Lockless Dragoone: lol
[21:37] Amish Mighty: SATAN!!
[21:37] Amish Mighty: GUIDE MY CAWK! D8<
[21:38] Tashy Aeon: LoL
[21:38] Tashy Aeon: suiy suiy
[21:38] Tashy Aeon: :P
[21:39] Lockless Dragoone: i need some chocolate
[21:39] Tashy Aeon: O.o!
[21:40] Lockless Dragoone: mmmm
[21:40] Lockless Dragoone: star crunches
[21:40] ID - : Now playing: FrightDoll - Alone In This
[21:40] Lockless Dragoone: and swiss cake rolls
[21:40] Tashy Aeon: yummy
[21:41] Lockless Dragoone: and some IHOP pancakes
[21:41] Lockless Dragoone: we lost the Tash
[21:44] Tashy Aeon: thank ya lock
[21:44] Lockless Dragoone: no problem :)
[21:44] ID - : Now playing: Die Form - Decadence
[21:44] Lockless Dragoone: *entertains himself with a paper clip*
[21:44] Tashy Aeon: what/
[21:45] Tashy Aeon: Whut!? Ó_Ò
[21:45] Couple Dance Ball (Heart Shaped): Please wait and jump into Couple Poseballs when they reach you.
[21:46] Couple Dance Ball (Heart Shaped): Touch again to get menu.
[21:47] Jariah Yuhara: wb, Amish
[21:47] Tashy Aeon: \o/ wb ami
[21:48] Tashy Aeon: and he crashes again
[21:48] ID Sploder: Rynn Tiratzo has joined the sploder. Pot is now L$65
[21:49] ID - : Now playing: Combichrist - Get Your Body Beat
[21:49] Tashy Aeon: \o/ tune!
[21:49] ID Sploder: Rynn Tiratzo has won L$33
[21:49] ID Sploder: Super Sploder gave you L$33
[21:49] ID Sploder: Lockless Dragoone has won L$3
[21:49] ID Sploder: Tashy Aeon has won L$7
[21:49] ID Sploder:
[21:49] ID Sploder: Jariah Yuhara has won L$7
[21:49] ID Sploder: Top winner is Rynn Tiratzo! Congratulations!
[21:49] ID Sploder: You are the Sploder top winner! Congratulations!
[21:49] Lockless Dragoone: w00000
[21:49] Jariah Yuhara: wtg, Rynn
[21:49] Rynn Tiratzo: yay :)
[21:49] Tashy Aeon: wtg rynn!!
[21:50] Rynn Tiratzo: thank you
[21:50] Lockless Dragoone: IHOP voffee is on Rynn
[21:50] Tashy Aeon: Whut!? Ó_Ò
[21:53] ID - : Now playing: Cerebral Apoplexy - Guilty
[21:54] Jariah Yuhara: zzzzzzzzz
[21:54] Jariah Yuhara: that's more like.. "bzzzzzz"
[21:55] Lockless Dragoone: lol
[21:55] Lockless Dragoone: I'm zzzzing at my keyboard
[21:56] Jariah Yuhara: hostess take off again?
[21:56] Lockless Dragoone: crashed i guess
[21:56] Lockless Dragoone: hey there Saiya
[21:57] Saiya Stormcrow: lol hi
[21:57] Tashy Aeon: gahhh
[21:57] Tashy Aeon: my interwebs are horrible
[21:57] Tashy Aeon giggles!
[21:58] ID - : Now playing: Aesthetic Perfection - Overcast
[21:58] Lockless Dragoone: wb Tashy :)
[21:59] Tashy Aeon: thank ya
[21:59] Lockless Dragoone: lol
[22:00] Lockless Dragoone: it's been one of those nights lol
[22:00] Tashy Aeon: yesah!
[22:00] Lockless Dragoone: thanks for the tip hun ;)
[22:00] Tashy Aeon: pffffft don't thank me for that
[22:00] Lockless Dragoone: Thanks for the tip Rynn.. much appreciated :)
[22:00] Rynn Tiratzo: :)
[22:01] Rynn Tiratzo: thanks for the tunes
[22:01] Tashy Aeon: alright folks.....i'm outs :)
[22:02] Rynn Tiratzo: gnight
[22:02] Tashy Aeon: have a good night and thanks for coming out :)
[22:03] Lockless Dragoone: night everyone.. thanks for the support to myself and the club
[22:03] Jariah Yuhara: night, Lock
[22:03] Rynn Tiratzo: g'night
[22:04] ID - : Now playing: And One - Sexkeit
[22:04] Lockless Dragoone: alright all... I'm out :) thanks for coming :)
[22:05] Kharn Foxclaw: night night!
[22:05] Jariah Yuhara: take me home, Kharn
[22:05] Kharn Foxclaw: K!
[22:06] ID - : Now playing: Evils Toy - Forever !
alright, seems the event is officially starting now (or in 1 min).
More people show up.
Lots of people show up.
They say hi to me (rynn) and i respond.
The DJ is talking now.
I dance with them. I get invited to a group.
I click something to dance for me and now im a tiny :o
DJ asks people to tip and i do (25L)
Theres not much chat anymore.
There is a KMDFM poster. which is just fucking awesome.
I won 33$ from a Sploder thing after putting in 15. not too bad.
The wolf furry was the DJ.
i tipped 2 ppl 25$
Well, everyone is gone now. Music still up and lights still going.